HON and KEI have breakfast with their father in the staff canteen respectively. MR. KO asks whether KEI can play golf with him in Shenzhen the coming weekend. She texts HON immediately so that he can make excuses for not going home at weekend so early. KEI drops her handbag in a river when she and HON are frolicking. He hurts himself as he is getting it back for her. WING proposes purchasing computers for the supplement section. MR. KO takes the opportunity to make things difficult for CHU. KEI invites MR. KO to the movie. He therefore informs CHU there is no need to come over to report his work progress. KEI overhears CHU and MR. HO’s phone conversation as she arrives at the restaurant. She comes to know that they are pretending to be at odds with each other so that HON and she will spend more time with them. KEI visits HON’s family for the first time. MR.… ...